
LFP is one of the most unusual success stories in America.

It has grown from an individual's dream to a major publishing and Internet company, with an ever-expanding list of publications.

Proving that the American Dream can come true-with enough drive, determination and effort-Larry Flynt rose from the impoverished Appalachian Mountains of eastern Kentucky to brave many challenges in establishing a successful publishing empire. Saturday evenings in Kentucky would find Larry tuning in the country music jamboree from a distant radio station as he read and reread Harold Robbins' The Carpetbaggers, another saga of a poor boy's rise to wealth and fame.

Leaving home early to join the service, Larry eventually found himself working a variety of jobs-from dishwasher to factory worker-and finally saved enough money to realize one of his dreams: owning and operating a nightclub.

Although lacking in a fancy education, Larry had the built-in business savvy to reinvest his earnings in his new enterprise, leading to the establishment of a chain of eight HUSTLER CLUBS in Ohio in the early 1970s. That notion of pouring profits back into the Company is a staple of Larry Flynt's business approach.

As his clubs grew in popularity, so did the need to communicate with club members. What started out as a simple newsletter with club event listings eventually premiered as a color publication in July 1974.

HUSTLER's radical departure from the norm for men's magazines both editorially and pictorially gained the national attention of the media and public. HUSTLER grew to become the third-largest men's magazine, and one of the top-selling magazines of any field. He continued to develop new men's sophisticates titles.

In 1985, based on the Company's market awareness and distribution strength, Larry Flynt decided to launch a full-scale campaign to expand the Company's publication line to cover as many diverse fields as possible.

Since then, LFP has started or acquired magazines covering lifestyle, hobbies and music. The Company reviews proposals each week for new ventures or hot titles seeking a major publisher.

In 1997, LFP launched its Multimedia Division and thereby entered the Internet business. LFP now operates a number of Web sites, including HUSTLER.COM. Thus, LFP now offers adult and non-adult material through the medium of the Internet.

Clearly, LFP has a long and storied history that is still in the making.

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